Industrial Clearance Cumbernauld

A lot of the work we carry out involves the clearance items left behind by previous tenants. We assist property managers thought the UK prepare commercial premises ahead of new tenants moving in. This can also include insolvency clearances.
We recently cleared the above factory in Cumbernauld, Glasgow. It had been used as an HGV garage before the tenants vacated. As a result we not only had to clear the premises of the usual items like office furniture and years worth of stored junk but there were large quantities of chemicals, oils and paints too. We are specialists in providing a one stop solution for these large clearances. It's common for companies to clear certain criteria of waste but not all, they either won't handle chemicals, don't carry liquids, don't handle paints or steer clear of things like gas. We are experienced in handling all of these items.
We also work closely with a company who supply street sweepers and specialise in oil spills. We brought them in alongside us to assist with the cleaning of the factory floor. We have partnered with them on a few occasions recently. They compliment the work we do well and allow particularly grimy units to be handed back in a much more presentable state. All of this makes the landlords role/sell an easier one when it comes to re-letting commercial premises.