Fly Tipping Clearance in Edinburgh

Fly Tipping is a nightmare on so many levels. Unsightly, illegal and expensive for the unfortunate landlord left to deal with the aftermath.
We were recently asked to clear and dispose of a substantial quantity of fly tipped tyres as well as a quantity of fridges. The site was a quiet rural space on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Sadly this is the third time we have cleared this particular site, despite increased security measures being put in place by the landlord to prevent this happening. Often with fly tipping, the items that have been illegally dumped are the expensive to dispose of items, hence the appeal for many to simply dump them in a field.
Tyres, mattresses and fridges tend to be the favorite items to illegally dump. These items are not welcomed at many waste facilities across the country and can be expensive to dispose of.
We only every use official waste transfer stations, we provide a full waste audit of what we collected and provide Waste Transfer Notes (WTN's) for each and every collection.
If you do ever find yourself on the receiving end (and we hope you don't) of illegal fly tipping we can help you, and rest assured, your items won't end up in a field.